Blood Donate

Are you interested in contributing to research studies into saving lives, especially during the COVID-19 crisis? If so, do you know what to expect when donating blood in 2021, what you should be doing before your blood donation, and finally, what the health benefits of donating blood are?

Look no further. We at Solomon Park Laboratories have all the answers to your questions to allay your fears about donating blood.  

At the outset of this discussion, it is vital to note that you don’t need to give us a specific reason to donate blood at Solomon Park Laboratories. Your reasons for donating blood are important to you. Whatever your reasons, the need for blood donations to save lives through research is constant.

What to expect when donating blood at our laboratories

Let’s open this conversation by looking at what to expect when donating blood in 2021. 

At this point, it is essential to be aware that donating blood during the global COVID-19 pandemic is perfectly safe. Blood collection organizations have implemented additional safety measures to ensure that neither donors nor staff are unnecessarily exposed to any risk of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Consequently, to set your mind at ease, here is a list of measures we have implemented at our laboratory.

  1. Reduced contact time through the use of technology

Before you donate blood, you must fill out a health history form, including contact information, demographic information, medical history, and current over the counter and prescription medication. Furthermore, it describes all of Solomon Park’s policies and procedures. And it gives you a place to sign that you consent to allow our phlebotomists to take blood from you.

This form is now online so that you can complete it before arriving at the laboratory to donate blood. 

  1. Compliance with recommended non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 prevention measures

In order to protect both you, a donor, and our staff from the coronavirus, we have implemented recommended non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 preventative measures such as taking all donors’ temperatures at the door and asking donors to wait in their own cars instead of staying in the lobby. Additionally, we have improved sanitation procedures, and all our staff who interact with donors wear full PPE with masks and protective gowns.

Types of blood donation 

Blood is usually donated in one of 4 different ways: whole blood, platelets, plasma, and red blood cells. 

At Solomon Park, we only draw whole blood. Whole blood is the life-giving liquid that flows through your veins and arteries. All of its components, white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and serum, are all suspended in blood plasma. 

Once we have drawn blood from our donors, we then spin out the donated blood into its individual components, namely white blood cells, platelets, plasma, serum, and red blood cells. Each of these components is used for a different purpose in the biomedical laboratory industry. 

Note: All of the donated blood we receive is used for medical research programs as well as laboratory equipment calibration and control kits. 

What you should do before your blood donation appointment

Because we are a research laboratory, we often get requests for blood from a wide variety of donors. The only blood donations we cannot accept are from individuals who have used injectable drugs in the last 3 months unless prescribed by a physician, ever had an HIV/AIDS positive test, and ever tested positive for Hepatitis B or C. 

Additionally, January is National Blood Donor Month, but it is also extremely challenging to collect blood during the cold winter months. The severe winter weather prevents donors from getting to the laboratory, and seasonal illnesses result in canceled donations. Because you must be in good health to donate blood, here is a list of tips to help you prepare for your donation.

  • Eat iron-rich foods. 
  • Relax and get a good night’s sleep before your donation. 
  • Hydrate for a fast and steady blood flow. 
  • Fast for 8 hours before your blood donation, if the research study requires you to do so.
  • Avoid fatty foods such as hamburgers, French fries, or ice cream before donating – blood testing is affected by fats that appear in your blood for several hours after eating fatty foods. 
  • Remember to have a post-donation snack. It is critical to replenish your body with fluids and a snack after you have donated blood. Luckily, at Solomon Park, we give you free snacks and drinks. 

The health benefits of donating blood 

Donating blood has benefits for your physical and mental health and wellbeing. A report produced by the Mental Health Foundation notes that altruism and doing good, especially during tough times like the global pandemic we are living through, is beneficial for people’s mental health and wellbeing. Donating blood can help: 

  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce a sense of isolation caused by long periods of mandatory social distancing and isolation
  • Improve emotional wellbeing by reducing negative feelings

Secondly, donating blood benefits your physical health in that before donating blood you undergo a complimentary health screening where a phlebotomist will check your pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, and hemoglobin levels. If any concerns are detected, you will be referred to your general physician for a checkup. 

Final thoughts 

Because Solomon Park is a medical research laboratory and supplies blood samples to the medical research industry, we often need donors to come forward with specific conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, and Ischemic heart disease. 

Note: There is a need for COVID-19 convalescent blood samples to support the many scientific research studies looking at ways to prevent the virus’s spread and to develop medications desperately needed to treat the COVID-19 symptoms in seriously ill patients. 

Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions about our donor program and your eligibility to join our donor program and donate blood. 

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